
Spring has Sprung, and It Brought Friends!

So, I haven't updated the blog in a couple of months due to technical difficulties, travel, and not a lot to talk about.  However,  I have a new Chromebook, we are home, and I have dumb thoughts to share! (And there was much rejoicing...)

The backyard population has had a spring surge. I have gone from a squirrel to 3, a couple of chipmunks to several, and my cardinal has a harem.
I also now have a couple of cute rabbits, a couple of towhees, house finches, all added to the chickadees and titmice that have been with me since I put out the feeders.  It can get pretty busy out there, and Jem and I take up residence most evenings in front of the large window overlooking the backyard. So much to see! The one bummer is that when it gets too dark for me to see, Jem is still acting like the greatest thing ever is happening right outside the window. Drives me crazy. Of course, my neighbors are convinced I have either serious mental problems or a healthy drug habit because I frequently stick my face against the glass trying to peer into the darkness to see whatever night creatures are lurking in the yard. Hmm. maybe if I turned the lights off INSIDE, the outside would be easier to see...Sheesh. (Holy cow, dummy! I totally forgot that I have night vision binoculars! Sometimes my dumb surprises even me.)

There are also other birds that I don't recognize. I need a good bird book for our portion of the state, or a good app on my phone that lets me snap a photo and tells me what bird it is, what they eat, where they nest, etc. I think I read somewhere that there is some app that lets you take photos of shoes and then tells you where you can buy them. Wizardry, I tell you, but if that works, why can't they do it for wildlife? Maybe they just really want the technology to identify mystery shoes, but haven't pulled it off, yet. Or, maybe I just made that up as wishful thinking but made it about shoes because I don't think I deserve to have something so magical benefit me...other than the elves that live in my phone and run text messages back and forth. Ahem..anyway, I need a quick and fool-proof way for identifying birds, because it seems like every week a new bird pops by. Unfortunately, the new birds either move too quickly that I can't get a good look, or they fly away long before I can navigate through my copy of Sibley's. I guess there are very cool people that can identify birds by their song, but since I still can't identify musical artists by their songs, even ones I really, really like, I don't know that there is much hope for me. .....

An episode of Dr. Who came on and one of the characters said he really loved ELO, but the song that was playing was one I always thought was by the Beatles. I am a failure. Just don't tell Mr. Music Snob that I still get confused by the whole ZZTop / Lynyrd Skynyrd thing. I mean, I know they aren't the same, and I am pretty sure ZZTop guys have beards because one of them was Angela's dad on Bones, but I seriously can't remember which songs go with which band, even though I am almost positive I like both. I haven't watched television in years so he may not be her Dad anymore. Billy Idol might be her Dad, or someone from Lynard Skynard paid Mr. ZZ top to pretend to be her Dad, in which case she might need therapy with Sweets. I probably screwed all that up and now feel the need to binge watch Bones on Netflix.

And none of that has anything to do with my yard or birds or cats or anything terribly relevant, but then again...I do what I want.

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